Sunday, August 1, 2010

Last Update from Ethiopia

Hey everyone. This will be my last time on the Internet while I'm in Ethiopia. It's crazy how fast the past 3 weeks have gone and that I only have one week left. There is so much to update you all on and I don't have a ton of time so it'll be kind of short, but I'll make sure to update you on everything when I get back to the states and have time.

I went to one of the Ethiopian students houses last weekend and we made traditional food. It was a lot of fun to make and tasted much better than the food that we eat where we live. I'm still not really a fan, but it was better. This coming Tues. we are all going to our roommates houses to spend the night so I'm excited for that. It will be very interesting to see where my roommate lives and to meet her family.

I'm still in love with my worksite. It really makes me wish I was able to adopt kids right now. They are all so loving and many of them have had hard lives before coming to the orphanage. It is nice to know that they are living in this orphanage that is so nice and much better than living on the street, which is where many of them lived before. Our last day at our worksite is Monday and I'm not looking forward to saying goodbye to all of the children. On Friday I gave the younger kids the beanie babies that I brought and they had a lot of fun playing with them.

Other things that we did this week included: going to a healing service, evangelizing on the street, more shopping, and going to a fistula hospital. The fistula hospital that we went to was amazing. They take in any woman who has a fistula and pay for the transportation to the hospital, the surgery to repair, and the rehab after the surgery. They also teach the women skills so they can be independent. They learn how to make baskets, blankets, and other crafts. We also had the opportunity to buy some of their crafts and the money goes to the person that made it. It was an incredible place that was started by an Australian couple in the 1970s. The husband has since died, but the wife is 86 years old and is still practicing surgery. We've met so many people that have had a vision for something and dropped everything to complete it. Very inspirational.

This week we'll go to church, have our last day at our worksites, have our home stays, and then have our debrief at nearby town of Debra Zeit. Thank you all for your support and prayers. I really appreciate them all!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emily,

    Have enjoyed reading about your experiences. It sounds like you are enjoying giving but also receiving back from the children. Time has flown by quickly.
    Keep the updates coming.

    We keep praying for you and safe travels!!

