Saturday, July 10, 2010

Getting Used to the City

Hello All,
Thanks for your prayers they are defiantly appreciated. I'm getting used to driving around the city now. It's not so overwhelming. I'm still defiantly glad the Ethiopian students are with us though. We still aren't sure about Ashley. She might be coming on Sunday, but the doctors never figured out what is wrong so Amy told her to only come if she is feeling great. I'll let you know about her once I know.

Yesterday we had orientation with the Ethiopian and American students. A lady that works for Campus Crusade for Christ and is from Ohio but now lives in Ethiopia and is married to an Ethiopian for 9 years did it. She talked about the 2 different cultures and some differences between the two so both groups could better understand where the other is coming from. It was very helpful and interesting.

My roommates name is dogi and she's very nice. I found out that she is engaged as well. She goes to the University in Abbas and is studying language and literature in english. Here in Ethiopia they don't really get to choose their major the government decides it. They are able to give their choices, but don't necessarily get one of their choices.

After lunch we went to Mount Toto (not sure on the spelling) and we literally walked up the mountain, it was at least a paved road. But while walking up it started to pour and hail so that wasn't too much fun. It was so beautiful towards the top, and then we went into a museum. The museums here are very strange. It's just a bunch of random things like dresses, and bibles, and there were some olympic medals too. It was a little odd. After the climb back down we went to a zoo of sorts. There were mainly just lions and then a few other animals. You could get so close to the lions, we would never be able to get that close in the states. After that we came back and ate. Then we went back to the red cross and ate and the watched the movie the book of eli. It's a very strange movie and none of us really knew what was going on.

The food here is ok. I'm getting used to it. Every meal I usually find something I like. Yesterday for lunch there was fruit so that was good. Most of the meals consist of enjara (no clue on the spelling), and then some sauces that you scoop it up with. It's usually pretty spicy, so I'm not a huge fan of it. They also have deep fried zucchini which I do like. I'm getting enough to eat so far and my stomach hasn't been too upset so that's good.

I hope you all are doing well!


  1. Wow, I was so surprised to have another message from you! Glad to hear that you and your roommate have been finding ways to build your relationship. Sounds like you have already had some fun experiences. Can't wait to hear where you will be assigned for your worksite. We will continue to pray for adjustments to the food, for safe travel and for the plan that God has for you while you are there! We love you and look forward to reading more about your journey! Love mom

  2. Thanks for posting Emily. Sounds like a fun time walking up a mountain in the hail. I'm praying that God will continue to reveal Himself in big ways! Have fun!!!

  3. Hi Emily,
    Glad to hear you are doing well. I hope Ashley is able to join you guys.
    Also glad that you and your roommate are getting along well as that is always very important in how much you will be able to enjoy your stay. Keep the updates coming. We are praying for you.

    Take care,
