Friday, July 2, 2010

Bags Are Packed!!!

As you can tell from the title of this post and from the picture above I have all of my bags packed! I hope that my checked bag will be under 50 lbs, but I'm not sure it will be. On the bathroom scale it was a little over, but we'll see on the actual airport scale. Most of the stuff in that bag is toys that Jenny, a coworker at the pharmacy, gave me to bring to the kids as well as some beanie babies that we used to play with as kids. It also has some food for me to snack on while I'm in Ethiopia, because I'm a huge snacker and I'm also a picky eater so after I attempt to eat the Ethiopian food I might need a little snack. There's also all of my toiletries, and other random things in it. If the bag is over I'll just have to put the beanie babies and some food in my backpack to carry on the plane so I don't have to pay an extra $200.

Well this morning was my last day of work for the summer. I only worked until lunch time so I could finish packing and also work on finishing up my homework. I'm taking a class this summer which is supposed to be 3 weeks long, but the last week is while I'm in Ethiopia so I'm trying to finish up 3 weeks worth of work in 2. I still have a 7 page paper left to write and some chapters in the book to read, so please pray that I get it all done this weekend! I also had to pack for camping this weekend for the 4th. So I'll be working on homework as well as relaxing over this weekend!

Ethiopia is 4 days away!! I'm so excited for all that God has in store for our team on this trip. I can't wait to be in the country and for all of the experiences I'll have there. I'll be meeting the team on Monday in Des Moines for some bonding, preparing to go, and eating before we fly out on Tuesday. We fly out at 3 from Des Moines on Tues. then we stop in Chicago, and London, before landing in Ethiopia. Then we'll be staying at the red cross in Ethiopia until we leave on Aug. 8th. It's crazy that I'll be leaving in 4 days I've done all this preparing since about March-getting the funds raised, vaccinations, anti-malaria medications, shopping for supplies, and finally packing.

I still have about $400 left to raise so if you would still like to donate you have time. I have to have all the funds raised by Sept. 15th. You can donate online still or else mail me the checks. The online info as well as my address is on other posts so you can read those if you are interested. Also I'm really hoping to be able to update you while I'm in Ethiopia on this blog. I know that we will have some access to the internet and our email. I'm not for sure if I'll be able to get on here though. If I can't get on here then I'll be emailing my mom updates so she'll post them on the blogspot so you guys will still be able to check in on what I'm doing.

I'll leave you with my prayer requests for the trip:
-safe travels-airplanes, car rides, buses, etc. also that no one's luggage is lost on the plane
-preparing the hearts of all of the people we will come in contact with
-our teams safety as we are in Ethiopia
-funding for the remainder of my trip
-spiritual growth for me and my teammates, that we will see God's work in awesome ways
-relationships between team members and roommates
-this weekend that I will get all of my school work done so I can really focus on building relationships with my team

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